Install with tarball
Copy the installation package (ADB-Community.tar.gz) to the directory of AntDB user (e.g. uatadb) and change the permissions of the package.
chown -R uatadb:uatadb ADB-Community.tar.gz #Change the user permission of the installer to uatadb
Login to the new user to install AntDB
su - uatadb #Login to the newly created AntDB user
tar -xzvf ADB-Community.tar.gz #Unzip the installation package
cd ADB-Community #Enter the extracted directory ADB-Community with the cd command
Interactive installation
Execute sh under ADB-Community to install AntDB interactively.
The interactive installation can be customized in three ways, as shown below. You can choose the default value or customize it. However, it is important to note that you must select "d" for the second place, which means that the installation is a distributed database.
# Step one:
# Select whether you agree to the user agreement, only if you agree (Y) can you continue to install further, if you do not agree (N), the installation will stop.
Do you agree?(Y/N)[Default:Y]
You input:
OK, you agree to the agreement. continue...
# Step two:
# Select the mode which you want to install, centralized (c), distributed (d). The default selection is c, for a centralized installation. Enter Q to abort this installation.
# Here, we choose d for a distributed database installation
Please enter the deployment mode "(c)entralized" or "(d)istributed" or "Q" to exit the installation.[Default:centralized]d
You input : d
# Step three:
# Fill in the installation path. Note: You need to fill in the absolute path.
# If the user does not enter the absolute path, just enter, it will be installed to the default path. Entering Q aborts this installation.
Please enter a valid empty directory to install antdb. Or enter "Q/q" to exit the installation.[Default:/data/adb01/app/antdb]
You input :
Use default install path:[/data/adb01/app/antdb]. continue...
check install path...
check install path ...success.
copy files...
copy files...success.
set bash environment...
please excute cmd 'source /data/adb01/.bashrc' to make the environment variables take effect.
set bash environment...success.
set kernel config...
Please refer to the following files in the installation directory to manually set the recommended kernel config.
antdb install ...success.
After the above execution, according to the prompt, you need to source the environment variables, and after the source is done, the installation of the binaries is finished.
source /data/adb01/.bashrc